A safe-space for Black and Latinx Computer Science students to excel.
The ColorStack Family is our community of over 4500 Black and Latinx Computer Science students from over 700 schools across the country. We're committed to providing our members with community building, academic support, and career development opportunities year-round.
Our members support each other in our Slack workspace by sharing resources, answering questions, and celebrating wins. Some students have even become best friends just through Slack!
We gather our community of students, professionals, and sponsors for an afternoon of sessions led by keynote speakers, engineers, and other tech experts every month for Fam Fridays. We also host a career fair 2x per year!
We work with over 40 of the world's top tech companies so that our members are given mentorship, workshops, and an upper hand in the job search process.
" What really was important was the kind of stuff I’ve learned from these different events. ColorStack was doing events with their sponsors, like Roblox, Squarespace, Two Sigma, and stuff. And there were a lot of great opportunities to hear from these different companies, learn what they were looking for, learn what the culture was like, and just like learn about what perhaps you would be doing. I had an edge because, interviewers knew I was affiliated with ColorStack.”
" [ColorStack] allowed me to communicate with other freshmen, African freshmen, some even international freshmen, who are also in computer science, who also understood the struggles that I faced. [Computer Science] was pretty hard, but it was nice having people that I could talk to. I made amazing friends. It was just nice to have a little bit more comfort.”
“For me, ColorStack gave me an opportunity to talk to students that are CS majors or CS minors or interested in tech, but that’s not the only thing that they want to talk about. So I really enjoy the different channels that we have. I’m active in the #women chat, the #curls chat, the food chat. It’s really cool to have people that I can talk to about anything under the sun and it doesn’t have to be always related to our major. ColorStack is a huge support system for me.”
“Just reading the introductions page on Slack, I saw that I’m not the only one that’s struggling. Obviously some struggle more than others, some are more advanced than others, but at the end of the day, I see that I’m not alone. I’m not the only one that’s going through this journey of not understanding or feeling underrepresented.”
“ColorStack was a really cool, new experience because there were so many students of color talking about niche tech topics and a number of young people who had interned at Google or some big company, so that’s awesome. It’s been a great experience to finally be in a space with other Black and Indigenous tech students where we aren’t “othered,” and can simply convivir.”
“[The ColorStack] community has been really helpful any time I need a plug in something, anytime I need advice on something. And it’s not always that, it’s the little things. Sometimes I just need to be around the right kind of people, because I feed off of energy like that naturally as a person.”
The ColorStack Family Application
If you're a Black or Latinx undergraduate Computer Science student studying in the US, submit your member application today!